Is de bedrijfsnaam Happy Herbi in strijd met Happy Herbivore?
Ik ben net begonnen met mijn site en bedrijf Happy Herbi.
Nu sprak op twitter vrolijk iemand aan met de naam Happyherbivore.
Ik vond het juist wel grappig dat we we vergelijkbare namen hebben, maar zij vond het niet zo grappig, want er word meteen gedreigd met een rechtszaak:
Ze stuurde me de volgende mail:
My lawyer says that since "happyherbi" so similar to happy herbivore it would cause confusion, which makes it trademark infringement.
It doesn't matter that you're site or facebook page is less trafficked or less popular than mine -- its the fact that someone might confuse the two. Happy Herbivore has been my brand since 2006.
My fans also call themselves "happy herbis" and "happy herbies" -- so that too is an issue.
I'm sorry but we have to request that you change your name to something else and stop using happyherbi on twitter, facebook, etc.
Let me know if you need help coming up with a new name.... and thanks for being so understanding!
Toen ik vroeg wat er zou gebeuren als ik niks veranderde stuurde ze dit;
We'll have to commence legal action if you refuse to change it. I would prefer we not do that.
"happyherbi" would def. cause consumer confusion, which is the standard used for trademark infringement. You can learn more about trademarks here:
I'm sorry, you seem really nice but I have to protect my brand, image and livelihood.