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Zijn er blinde koks?

Ik kan me voorstellen dat iemand die blind is toch in staat is thuis te koken. Al dan niet met aangepaste spullen.
Maar zijn er ook blinde mensen die kok als beroep hebben?

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Martinez had been cooking for years, either with her mother in the kitchen at home, making traditional Mexican dishes, or on her own. Now she was learning to cook wholly from scratch, deboning chickens and preparing delicate French sauces and creams.

"I had to learn to feel the food or to smell or listen to the sound it made in the pan," said Martinez, 25.

"I can tell by feel whether meat is raw, medium or well-done. You just learn through time."

Artikel: Blind chef excels in culinary school, zie http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/arizonaliving/articles/2010/01/25/20100125blindchef0125.html
Verwijderde gebruiker
12 jaar geleden
Deel jouw antwoord
0 / 2500
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