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De bestanden die op Symbian draaien zijn veelal .sis extensies.
Wat ik heb kunnen vinden is helaas niet in het Nederland.

Did you ever wonder what files you are installing on your mobile phone when you click a .sis file on your PC?

Lately mobile phones faced a security thread with the SymbOS/Skulls virus. Only from looking at the .sis file and seeing which files it includes one could tell that this .sis file is really suspicious.
And to do this the perfect solution: UnMakeSIS. With UnMakeSIS you can easily see which files are packed into the .sis file. Since it also recreates the .pkg file you will even be able to know what does happen when the file is installed on the mobile phone.
UnMakeSIS does have the following great features:
Displays ALL Files embedded in the .sis, also every Language file is displayed
Displays the Name of the App in the sis file according to the chosen Language
Displays Languages, check & or uncheck Languages to extract/not extract them
Displays Flags & Type of sis files
Recreate the pkg file which can then be used to generate a sis with makesis.exe
Extract ALL Files or just one (simply right-click on the file)
Extracting can be done with the path names from the sis or all files can be extracted to one directory
Extract only the language files the user has chosen in the Language view (A checked language will be extracted)
Extracts also null files (FN) which will normally be created when the app is run
Filenames of language files do have the language code at the last 2 letters
UnMakeSIS was written with speed & small file size in mind
Completely rewritten code & Many more improvements and options

Ik weet niet of het de werking heeft die jij graag zou willen,maar het is het proberen wellicht waard.


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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
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Het is niet mogelijk om je eigen vraag te beantwoorden Je mag slechts 1 keer antwoord geven op een vraag Je hebt vandaag al antwoorden gegeven. Morgen mag je opnieuw maximaal antwoorden geven.

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