Hét vraag- en antwoordplatform van Nederland

Van wie is het onderstaande nummer en is er een songtekst beschikbaar?

stukje tekst: I was born in a system...that doesn't give a shit about me or ????? .....

Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
in: Muziek

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Het beste antwoord

I was born in a system that doesn't give a fuck
About you nor me nor the life...of our kids
Keep my guns load, you never know,
Just in case things get frig
That's just the way I live, yeah!
That's me, yeah! As is

Don't come misbehaving, don't take it slight
Behave your self when you're making it right
Don't be a victim of things I do too survive
Cause I won't wish you any good, you Babylonians
Disrespect coming out their mouth (oooh)
Now you get me mad
I shove it down your throat
You know, I burn babylon,
Wi ain't got nothing in common
I'm a son of Soloman
Telling me lies ain't gonna get you nowhere
Now you turn a side to...
You can chatta but I see my lips can suffer
Yow when I get rich you can touch them fool but not this
If yo diss then yo dead, pow mother fucker go ahead
Because I won't be playing
To pump your fucking head full a lead (yeah)
That's the way I live, yeah thats me as is

Verse 2
I was born in a corrupted system it doesn't give a fuck
About you nor me nor the life...of our lovely kids
I keep my guns load, you never know,
Things get frig
That's just how I live,
That's me, yeah, as is

Informer say they spot mah gun, what gun?
Could'nt be my shot gun
Last fool that spot that gun, drop down
I was born in a corrupted system it doesn't give a fuck
About you nor me nor the life...of our lovely kids
I keep my guns load, you never know,
Things get frig
That's just how I live.

Bedoel je deze?
Sizzla - Don't Give A Fuck
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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden

Andere antwoorden (2)

doet me denken aan "settle for nothing"

"A jail cell is freedom from the pain in my home
Hatred passed on, passed on and passed on
A world of violent rage
But it's one that I can recognize
Having never seen the color of my father's eyes
Yes, I dwell in hell, but it's a hell that I can grip
I tried to grip my family
But I slipped"


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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
Sizzla, Born in a system.

Toegevoegd na 48 seconden:
Dit filmpje is trouwens van één van de vele remixen van dit nummer.
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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
Deel jouw antwoord

Het is niet mogelijk om je eigen vraag te beantwoorden Je mag slechts 1 keer antwoord geven op een vraag Je hebt vandaag al antwoorden gegeven. Morgen mag je opnieuw maximaal antwoorden geven.

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