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Weet iemand de betekenis achter het verhaal in het lied It's my life van Talk Talk?

Verwijderde gebruiker
13 jaar geleden
in: Muziek

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Een verklaring die ik vond op het internet:

"You'll try and lock me up for this, but It's My Life was meant to be from a pet's point of view toward their owner. Silly as that may sound, it makes sense to me, b/c pets love their owners unconditionally, and all they expect in return is that same unconditional love. Talk Talk donated a large portion of the earnings from this song to several animal charitiss, and let the humane society use this song in a commercial. I'm sure that anybody who reads this will think I'm a lunatic, but I can see where it makes sense. The video for the song matches really well with that meaning... the lovely Mark Hollis is singing in front of footage of animals in a zoo, and during the chorus bars appear over his mouth (which, fortunately, distracts one from the size of his ears). All that being said, I still the think the song also touches upon how humans interact with each other. Specifically how we have a tendency to impose our beliefs and tendencies on others. No Doubt covered this - and did a good job, in my opinion."

bron: http://www.inthe80s.com/whatya.shtml

Ook hier nog een aantal verklaringen: http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/67337 (scrol naar beneden).
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Verwijderde gebruiker
13 jaar geleden
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