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Roger Daltrey nummer

Waar gaat het nummer "Say it ain't so Joe" van Roger Daltrey over?

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in: Muziek
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Het origineel is van Murray Head, en waar het nu precies over gaat...
Hier: http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858549663/ staat bij de tekst een suggestie van iemand die wel aannemelijk klinkt:

"I believe this hauntingly powerful song is about Shoeless Joe Jackson who played for the White Sox. He was a tremendously talented outfielder who was supposedly involved in the "Black Sox" scandal in the 1919 World Series when several of the White Sox were indited for throwing a game.

Outside of the courthouse where the trial was being held a young boy came up to Joe and infamously said "Say it ain't so Joe." Shoeless Joe reportedly just turned away without uttering a word."

Over dat schandaal vind je hier meer (met een foto van Shoeless Joe Jackson):
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