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Hoe heet die film over de geschiedenis van de verovering van Peru(?) door de Spanjaarden waarin zij honderden inka's of indianen afslachten?

Film over de geschiedenis van de inca-bevolking en de verovering van peru(?) door de spanjaarden.
Ik heb die film jaren geleden eens gezien en was toen echt onder de indruk. Goed te zien is hoe met een paar foefjes en een paar man de spanjaarden honderden inka's of indianen afslachten. Je krijgt een indringend beeld over hoe de verovering van Zuid-Amerika door de spanjaarden is verlopen..

Wie weet hoe deze film heet?

Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden

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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
bedoel je de royal hunt of the sun?


Toledo, Spain. Spring 1528. Francisco is an explorer who appeals to the King of Spain for a third voyage to the new world. The king, however, points out that on his first voyage out of 60 men only 34 returned and on his second voyage out of 80 men only 12 returned. The king is very reluctant to approve the voyage, but finally agrees as long as Pizarro raises all the funds for the voyage. A young man named Martin asks Pizarro if he can be his page and Pizarro agrees.

It takes a year for Pizarro to get the voyage ready to go. He says that without cavalier De Soto he could not have managed the fund raising. Pizarro names De Soto as second in command. Vidor arrives and declares that as the representative of the crown, he will be in command of the expedition. Pizarro rejects this idea saying that he will be the man in charge. It looks as if command of the expedition is going to be at least somewhat divided.

Peru, Spring 1530. The Spanish arrive. A native who saw them arrive tries to run to tell the Inca king about the strange men, but Pizarro has the man captured. From him they learn that the Incas have just finished a civil war between two brothers, one legitimate and the other a bastard. The bastard brother was the victor. The native kills himself with a knife.

The Spanish cross over a long rope bridge to the Inca capital. The city looks deserted as they enter the main square. An Inca priest comes out to tell the Spanish to stay where they are and the Indians will come to them. The Spanish prepare for battle and wait.
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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
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