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Bangkok, Thailand

Toegevoegd na 23 minuten:
nog wat exacter (even geknipt en geplakt, hoop dat je engels goed is..):

Thailand, and specifically on the southern island of Phuket, often called the “Pearl of the Andaman Sea".


The biggest challenge for filmmakers was finding a resort that would allow filmmakers to take it over and in effect, destroy it, during the busy tourist season.
We saw so many resorts and when we told the owners, ‘We’re gonna have explosions here, we have smoke going over the swimming pool while people are guests there and we were not really welcome,” said Reine. “Except the Adamas Resort. We told them the same things and they said, ‘Oh, that’s cool. Yeah, we want to work with you.’

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14 jaar geleden
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Verwijderde gebruiker
14 jaar geleden
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