Is de email van Microsoft over Microsoft Service Agreement echt of nep?
Afgelopen zaterdag ontving ik de volgende email en vraag mij af of het een fishing mail is. De afzender is: Microsoft< >>>Your Services Agreement made clearer
You’re receiving this email because we are updating the Microsoft Services Agreement, which applies to one or more Microsoft consumer products or services you use. We are changing the contracting entity for our free consumer services in European markets (European Economic Area and Switzerland) from Microsoft Corporation (US) to Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland. We are also changing the governing law to Ireland for claims relating to free and paid consumer services in European markets. There are no other changes to the Microsoft Services Agreement.
You can read the entire Microsoft Services Agreement here. You can also learn more about this update on our FAQ page here. This update to the Microsoft Services Agreement will take effect on 28 December 2018. If you continue to use our consumer products and services on or after 28 December 2018, this means you are agreeing to the updated Microsoft Services Agreement.
If you do not agree, you can choose to discontinue using the products and services, and close your Microsoft account before these terms become effective. If you are a parent or guardian, you are responsible for your child’s or teenager’s use of Microsoft consumer products and serv