Hét vraag- en antwoordplatform van Nederland

Hoe kun je in GMail een aantal Google Docs documenten als bijlage meesturen?

Zonder ze eerst te downloaden.

Verwijderde gebruiker
15 jaar geleden
in: Internet

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Email from your Docs list
To send any of your docs as an email attachment, just follow these steps:
1. From your Docs list, select the doc you want to email. Keep in mind that it's not possible to email multiple docs as attachments.
2. Click the Share drop-down menu, and select Email as attachment...
3. Select a file type from the drop-down menu.
4. Enter an email address. If you'd like, you can also add a subject and a message.
5. Click Send. People to whom you're emailing this document will receive the doc as a downloadable attachment in the file format you selected.
Email from within your document, spreadsheet, or presentation:
To send a document as an attachment, follow these steps:
1. From the Share drop-down menu at the top right, click Email as attachment...
2. Choose whether you'd like to send the document as an attachment to the email, or paste the document itself into the email message.
3. In the appropriate fields, enter your recipients' email addresses, the file type for your attachment, and, if you'd like, a subject and message.
After you click Send, the people you're emailing this document to will receive it as a downloadable attachment in the file format you selected.
To send a spreadsheet as an attachment, follow these steps:
1. From the Share drop-down menu at the top right, click Email as attachment...
2. Select one of these options for your attachment: Microsoft Excel, Open Office, or PDF.
3. Enter an email address, and, if you'd like, a subject and message.
After you click Send, the people to whom you're emailing this document will receive it as a downloadable attachment in the file format you selected.
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15 jaar geleden
Verwijderde gebruiker
15 jaar geleden
Dus meerdere bestanden kan niet.
Daar moet meneer Google dan toch eens iets aan doen.
Deel jouw antwoord

Het is niet mogelijk om je eigen vraag te beantwoorden Je mag slechts 1 keer antwoord geven op een vraag Je hebt vandaag al antwoorden gegeven. Morgen mag je opnieuw maximaal antwoorden geven.

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